Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati, who charged that the Centre did not provide adequate police forces to handle the law and order situation during the Ayodhya verdict, was on Friday in Union Home Minister P Chidambaram's line of fire. "I thought the UP government is maintaining law and order
with the assistance of the forces provided by the Central government," Chidambaram said on Friday.
"If the UP government thinks that the Centre should maintain law and order with the assitance of UP Police, so be it," he said.
Expressing satisfaction over the "respectful and dignified" response of people to the Ayodhya verdict, Chidambaram said the Centre has no role in the issue except to maintain status quo and ensure law and order across the country.
He told a press conference that it was a fair assumption that the verdict of the Lucknow Bench of Allahabad High Court on the dispute will go to Supreme Court which may pass an interim order and take it up for hearing.
"There is no role for the Centre now. The judges have given a stay and ordered a status quo (on the situation as obtaining) before the verdict. The judgement is not operational as of now.
"The judgement is indeed an important document. But it is not operational. It is a fair assumption that appeals may be lodged (in Supreme Court). It is a fair assumption that the Supreme Court will pass interim orders. Therefore, there is no need now to comment on the judgement which is not operational and status quo as decreed in a Supreme Court order in 1994 will be maintained," he said.
When asked a number of questions on the subject, he appealed to the media and television channels not to "over interpret" the judgement and devote extraordinary time and space to it.
To a question whether the judgement dilutes the case relating to the demolition of Babri Masjid, he said this judgement has nothing to do with the act took place December 6, 1992.
"That act was completely unacceptable and it was an act done by people who took law and order into their hands. That remains, in my view, a criminal act. Also, please don't attribute to the judges (of the Lucknow Bench) any attempt to justify what was done in 1992," he said.
On the law and order situation, he said the country has been extremely peaceful and there have been no incidents reported from anywhere.
"We are pleased and satisfied with the response of people which has been respectful and dignified," he said quoting the words of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh who made an appeal to the people to maintain calm in the wake of the verdict.
To a question whether Congress party was jittery to the verdict over which BJP was gloating, he said for the views of the party, "you should ask the Congress party spokesperson".
Naxals killed 21 in kangaroo courts this year: Chidambaram
As the CPI(Maoist) continues its violent activities, the Centre today said the naxals have set up many kangaroo courts which brutally executed 21 persons this year itself after holding them guilty.
Home Minister P Chidambaram said the CPI(Maoist) holds courts called 'Jan Adalats', tries the 'accused', sentences many of them to death and executes them in full public view in order to strike terror in the hearts of the villagers.
"The number of 'Jan Adalats' has risen to 48 in the current year up to August 31 -- up from 38 in the corresponding period last year. The number of persons executed has risen to 21 from 11 last year," he said.
The Home Minister said the Maoists continued their violent activities across Left Wing Extremist-affected states and their main targets were policemen and alleged 'police informers'.
"Every one who swears by the rule of law must condemn these kangaroo courts and brutal executions," he said.